Millennial Thoughts: Dear Diary


Millennial Thoughts:

Dear Diary

When was the last time you wrote in a “diary” or did some journaling? I remember during elementary & middle school days, we were forced to journal daily in school. The weird kid I was, i actually enjoyed doing this activity daily. So much in fact, I journaled every day of my life outside of school from elementary school until mid way through high school. I still have all of my “diaries”.

I always contemplated on throwing them out. But at times when I’m back home, I like to re read these diary entries I did so many years ago. It’s amazing to see the growth within myself. Things that stressed me out when I was younger, are no longer relevant now. My dreams and goals as a kid, what I was thinking at that exact moment at that age. It’s so cool to see how much changed.

I still firmly believe in journaling daily as an adult. But that gets SO HARD as adulting takes over our life and we just don’t have the time anymore.

I tried doing shorter gratitude daily journal entries a few years ago but that fell off as well. Not until quarantine has happened I’ve been journaling more. More because I have been feeling more stress from personal work life & dealing with this new normal way of life. It helps me to write down my thoughts during this time, and remind myself to be thankful for something everyday. At the end of the day, I make time to vent about my day. But I always end it with what I am currently thankful for.

it’s a small reminder to myself that as though life isn’t normal right now. I do have a lot of things to be thankful for.

Whatever you are going through, maybe taking the time to do this can help you get through these weird times.
