Millennial Thoughts: Quarantine Edition


Millennial Thoughts:

Quarantine Edition

It’s been about a few weeks or so since i’ve officially started working from home everyday and started this whole quarantine life.

I’m sure like many of you, this whole situation we are all going though is not ideal. Being home alone just working, and trying to keep myself busy has got me reflecting more on all of this.

Everyday I wake up, there has been back to back bad news, more deaths, and no exact clear end date of when things will get back to “normal” again.

For this post, I want to focus on the positives, and good things I have taken away from all of this so far.

  • More time spent with loved ones that live with you

  • More time to focus on your hobbies that you “never had time for”

  • More time to learn a new hobby that you “never had time for”

  • Appreciation of what you have

  • No commuting to work

  • People hanging outside on their porches more just enjoying fresh air

  • Facetiming our family and friends more that live far away

For me personally, I am very grateful for my situation, being able to work at home, stay healthy, and just stay home. I’m very thankful for those in professions out there that are risking their lives due to the work they do. I am also aware that there are many less fortunate than I am, who are going through far much worse circumstances than I am.

The following is just my insight on how I view as my personal growth for myself during this quarantine, and my reflections on it.

In the very beginning of this quarantine, right away I was complaining hardcore about my ruined planned trips, and other festivities I had for 2020. Then I quickly realized how there are others out there not so fortunate during times like these. I truly needed to have gratitude for what I have now in this circumstance.

I’ve been re reading a book my Dad gave me a few years ago called, “ Ten Rules for Being Human” by Cherie Carter Scott. This book has been a good reference for me for inspiration and motivation in my life. It also helped me navigate this whole thing happening to us right now.

It’s a harsh reality. Life never goes as planned, no matter how hard we try to resist external factors ruining our lives blueprint.

Learn to be flexible, it makes the curves in your life path much easier to maneuver - Cherie Carter-Scott

Staying home and not traveling anywhere at all for weeks or months at a time was definitely not my plan for 2020. The year 2020 was supposed to be OUR year right? ha.ha.ha. This quote is easier said then done. I’m not saying the quote above is the solution to our problems. But it can be a start of positive thinking on when life throws us curveballs.

Instead of complaining how I can’t travel, and am stuck at home, i’ve been focusing more on personal hobbies of mine, trying to write this blog more, and reaching out to friends more than usual to just catch up. I can’t control what’s going on outside right now, but what I can do is stay home, and educate my mind and keep my body physically active.

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

This whole situation we’re all in sucks in general. People are dying, small businesses are shutting down, and people are struggling financially, etc. For me personally, this quote reminds me to not take things for granted. It’s a lesson for me to be grateful for simple things such as being physically with family and friends hanging out, having the luxury to travel, eat out, and enjoy life outside my home. The best thing that I’ve seen happen so far is the amount of help people are doing to help others in the community. Making masks, sending out thank you cards, and making meals for school children that are in need of food.

The lesson of humor means learning to invite levity and amusement into situations that might otherwise be disastrous - Cherie Carter-Scott

These past few weekends have been great examples of me inviting humor into my life during times like these. Group video calls were more relevant, virtual happy hours was scheduled, and virtual raving with your friends became a big deal. Thanks to my friends, they gave me the laughter needed. It’s easy for me to shut everyone and not be bothered. But having family and friends call, and just hang out with me on video chat like they would in real life, is a great endorphin booster. I personally enjoy everyone’s creative instagram stories about meals they cooked, their physical workout accomplishments of the day, and random ass challenges and quizzes. It’s a reminder in a way we’re all in this together.