Millennial Thoughts: 30 is the deadline


Millennial Thoughts:

30 is The Deadline

My first post here. I decided to dedicate a section in my blog just for my thoughts and chats.

It’s been awhile since I’ve written more personal things about life in general. I’m 29 years old. You can call that young, or old, whatever. All I know is, I’ve learned so much so far, yet am still very confused about many things about life as well. That’s called adulting right? Figuring it out, and doing the best we can in life.

This post is dedicated especially for all of you 20 somethings out there.

I turned 29 earlier this year. When most people hear 29, they think of, “your deadline is coming up”, “the end of fun is near,” “you gotta get your shit together by 30,” “you gotta get married,” “you gotta have kids before or by 30”, LIKE OMG. Whoever decided that 30 was the deadline for EVERYTHING IN LIFE?

What 29 means to me:

When I turned 29, it was a great time for me to self reflect on what I have learned, laugh at the stupid mistakes I did, and be grateful for the memories I created along the way. I want all my friends and to anyone reading this post, to know that your goals in life do not end at 30, 40, 50, or whatever age. When did having fun or setting new goals have an age limit?

We really are all on our own timeline. That timeline may not always go as planned. But life would be too boring if life always went as planned right?

Focusing on building up your career is cool and all, but don’t forget, my millennial friends on something called self care. Yes, set aside time for you. Crazy, I know. Meditate, exercise, read a book, whatever calms your soul.

Don’t forget about your support system, your family and friends. It is so easy to forget about some relationships/friendships because we get so caught up in juggling everything in life.

So, what’s the point of this blog post?

While your’re busy getting your shit together in your life, don’t forget to have fun, set aside you time, spend more time with family and friends, and don’t forget to jet set and travel the world when you can.
